divendres, 21 de gener del 2011


  •  To set up a videoconference - (Organitzar una videoconferència)
  • To create spreadsheets - ( Preparar fulls de càlcul)
  • To distribute company memos - ( Distribuir els memos de 'empresa)
  • To update mailing lists - (Posar al dia llistes d'adreçes)
  • To answer the telephone - (Contestar el telèfon)
  • To make travel arrangements - ( Organitzar viatges)
  • To deliver messages - ( Entregar missatges)
  • To sort checks - (Organitzar els xecs)
  • To prepare materials for presentations - (Preparar materials per les presentacions)
  • To handle customer complaints - ( Gestionar les queixes dels clients)
  • To issue invoices - ( Emetre factures)
  • Incoming mail - ( Correspondència que es rep)
  • To  greet - ( Rebre /Saludar)
  • To type agendas for meetings- ( Escriure o passar a l'ordinador els assumptes de les reunions)
  •  Outgoing mail - ( Correspondència que s'envia)
  • The office staff - ( El personal)
  • Debtors - (Morosos)
  • Requests - (Peticions, sol.licituds)


Boss 1 Sam, you're going to be in charge of creating spreadsheets, distributing company memos and seting up videoconferences.......

Boss 2:   Lisa, you 're going to be in charge of updating the mailing lists, answering the telephone, making the travel arrangements for the office staff.........

Boss 3 Monique, you' re going to be in charge of making arrangements for meetings and conferences, delivering messages, sorting checks .........

Boss 4: Pam, you're going to be in  charge of calling debtors, handling customer complaints, distributing all incoming mail, processing outgoing mail ......

Boss 5Justin,  you're going to be in charge of issuing invoices, preparing materials for presentations, greeting and assisting visitors. .......

Boss 6Simon, you're going to be in charge of handling requests for information from the public, typing agendas for meetings............

. Try to understand the meening of these examples.